5 Essential Tips for Effective Sensory Fragrance Testing

When conducting a fragrance test it is important to think about every detail to ensure that your results are as accurate as possible. Ellie Atack, Field Manager at Sense:lab, shares her top five tips to help you achieve flawless fragrance testing:

1: Choose the right testing environment

The location of your fragrance test is vital. Ensure that the space is well-ventilated, allowing you to control airflow and prevent cross-contamination of scents. If possible, use a testing booth with built-in extraction systems to maintain a consistent environment or to purge fragrances quickly between tests. Also, consider factors like room temperature, humidity and access to booths (via a door/hatch), as they can influence how a fragrance is perceived.

Consider how the format of your samples may affect the results and adjust the environment accordingly. For example, for laundry products, it may be useful to assess fragrance straight from the washing machine when damp or straight from a tumble dryer once dried.

2: Recruit the right participants

The success of your fragrance test heavily depends on the participants. Whether you need naïve consumers, sensory-trained individuals, or fragrance enthusiasts, having the right mix of people is key to obtaining meaningful data. It’s always important to pre-screen participants for any allergies or sensitivities to ensure their safety and the validity of your results.

By defining your target audience before recruitment, you can tailor your recruitment strategy to ensure you’re getting feedback from the right people.

3: Design a robust testing protocol

A well-defined testing protocol is essential for reliable results. Establish clear guidelines for every step, from sample preparation to presentation. This may involve creating wash schedules, finding the perfect way to present damp laundry, deciding on the number of fragrances to be tested, the appropriate rotation plan or advising on sensory breaks to prevent olfactory fatigue.

Consistency is key – spend time designing a protocol that fits your specific objectives. Consider how samples are presented and how to keep them in the same format e.g. using a stopwatch to time 2 minutes straight from the tumble dryer or using weighing scales to ensure the same amount of product is dispensed – ensuring that all testing conditions remain uniform.

4: Conduct fieldwork with care: managing sensory fatigue

The execution of your fieldwork is just as important as the planning. Sensory fatigue, particularly olfactory fatigue, can significantly impact your results. Limit the number of samples tested in a single session to avoid overwhelming your participants’ senses. Include regular breaks between tests and consider alternating the types of scents (e.g., light vs. heavy) to keep the nose sharp. If possible, conduct multiple sessions with the same participants to gather comprehensive data without compromising their sensory acuity.

5: Engage with experts early

Starting a project with a clear understanding of the process is key. Clients should collaborate with their fieldwork partners from the proposal stage to identify and address potential challenges early on. With their experience, fieldwork teams can anticipate issues and offer solutions to ensure your fragrance test runs smoothly.

Scheduling calls at the beginning of a project or during the proposal stage helps clarify any questions and align expectations.

Collaborating with sensory fieldwork experts can provide deeper insights, helping you to accurately translate the data into actionable conclusions – the goal of fragrance testing is not just to gather information, but to use that information to refine and improve your product.

Sensory fragrance testing summary

Incorporating these essential tips into your fragrance testing process will ensure more accurate, reliable, and actionable results. At Sense:lab we bring extensive experience and expertise to every step of the testing journey, from designing robust protocols to managing fieldwork and participant recruitment.

Our sensory testing expert team, and commitment to precision make us the ideal partner for your sensory fragrance testing needs. Get in touch with us to find out more by emailing Ellie at [email protected].

Bringing the science of sensory and the precision of R&D to fieldwork fulfilment

Bringing the science of sensory and the precision of R&D to fieldwork fulfilment

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