Field & Tab

Comprehensive & Streamlined

Our field & tab service offering includes recruitment, facilitation and data tables only. You can provide us with a survey link or add bolt-on scripting. A cost-effective route to gaining the market research data collection you need for your project: no insight, data only and save up to 30% on full-service facility quotes.

In-house Data Analytics

Oracle is our in-house scripting and data processing team.  They deploy traditional and cutting-edge data cleaning processes as standard.

  • 100% confidence in accurate, clean data

  • Ready to use first time

  • Intuitive layouts

  • Excel tables of raw output

  • Check for over-acquiescence

  • Open-ended validation

  • Detect patterns (within and across respondents)

  • Check static vs. dynamic blocks

  • Identify duplicate responses

  • Identify speeding

“Their state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in consumer science really sets them apart. The Sense:lab facilities are modern and well-equipped, providing an exceptional research environment.”

“Their state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in consumer science really sets them apart. The Sense:lab facilities are modern and well-equipped, providing an exceptional research environment.”

Control room - Market Research facility
Shower room - Market Research Facility
Streaming product testing projects - control room

Connect with people

We give you the space to capture the insight you need.

Connect with people

We give you the space to capture the insight you need.