The Challenge
New UK legislation meant the most commonly used preservative in cat treats could no longer be used. Our client, a leading pet food brand, needed to test new treat prototypes using alternative natural preservatives.
They required a diverse group of cat owners, ensuring a mix of cat breeds and ages, who prioritised natural ingredients and sustainability. The goal was to collect real-world feedback on cat and owner perceptions of the new treats.
The Solution
We leveraged our in-house recruitment panel to identify suitable cat owners via an online screening questionnaire. This allowed us to efficiently select participants who met the required criteria, ensuring a high-quality and engaged sample.
Participants were then sent product samples to complete a 10-day Home Usage Test (HUT), where they provided structured feedback through video uploads and written surveys. This method enabled our client to gather real-world product responses in a home environment.
The Result
The client was highly satisfied with the data quality and participant engagement. The HUT insights revealed a clear preference among the treat prototypes, allowing the brand to refine its formulation.
With robust consumer feedback, the client was able to confidently move forward with a refreshed cat treat range that met regulatory requirements while aligning with sustainability-conscious pet owners.